Information and communication are critical in times of emergency, be it weather related or otherwise. We need to know the facts; the when, where, how much, what the $%&* is going on, and everything else. Social media like Twitter are ideal platforms for real-time communication with customers, friends, media, businesses, government, etc. Some organizations are participating, some haven't caught on yet.
That said, here are 10 Charlotte area "Emergency Tweeps" to follow, because you just never know...
- Duke Energy Storm updates - @DukeEnergyStorm
- Fox Charlotte - @FOXCharlotte
- Charlotte Weather - @cltweather
- The Charlotte Observer - @theobserver
- The Weather Channel - @TWCi
- Charlotte Traffic - @cltraffic
- News14 Weather - @CharlotteWX
- WCNC News - @WCNC
- US Airways - @USAirways (not using this medium to the max)
- Lowe's Home Improvement - @Lowes (another good one that could provide more updates: Winter weather tips, sold-out items, generator supply/prices, etc.)
- And one more to really keep in mind in a few months: The National Hurricane Center - @NHC_NOAA
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (and other area systems)
- Charter Communications
- NC Department of Transportation
- Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
- City of Charlotte
The more inclusive a list we can develop, the better off we'll all be! Stay in touch, stay warm, and most of all, stay informed!
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